My yellow smoothie is packed with vitamins. Perfect for a wet and cold autumn or in wintertime.
Quickly prepared in just a few minutes, much cheaper and fresher than bought smoothies from the supermarkets!

My yellow smoothie is packed with vitamins.
My yellow smoothie is packed with vitamins.

Yellow smoothie made from fruits

In this smoothie, I only use fruits and no vegetables. For taste and color reasons I am blending mango, apple, persimmon, lemon, orange, tangerine and grapes. So you’re getting a bright yellow smoothie, that is very rich in taste.

Yellow smoothie made from fruits
Yellow smoothie made from fruits

Are you looking for more easy, vegan recipes?

Then you should try out these recipes I created, right here on Daily Vegan. Quick and easy to prepare:

In this smoothie, I only use fruits and no vegetables.
In this smoothie, I only use fruits and no vegetables.

Show me your yellow smoothie

Feel free to follow me on Instagram or Facebook. And I’ll be delighted if you make my smoothie and post a photo of it. It’s best if you tag my account in it too. Because I always find it really great and exciting to see how my recipes are prepared in other kitchens!

Quickly prepared in just a few minutes, much cheaper and fresher than bought smoothies from the supermarkets!
Quickly prepared in just a few minutes, much cheaper and fresher than bought smoothies from the supermarkets!

Ingredients for 4 x yellow smoothie:

1 mango, peeled and cut into pieces
1 persimmon, peeled and cut into pieces
2 oranges, the juice
1 lemon, the juice
1 tangerine, the juice
30 green grapes, without seeds
1 apple, peeled and cut into pieces


  1. Mix all ingredients with a blender, until they’ve turned into a nice and smooth juice.

Filled into air tight bottles you can refrigerate the smoothies up to 2 or 3 days.

That was easy!


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recipe image
Yellow Smoothie - fresher and tastier than money can buy
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