Daily Vegan’s free recipe collection from A-Z.
Here you will find the complete overview of all recipes published so far by Daily Vegan, a.k.a. Sean Moxie.

Always good, always delicious and everything purely plant-based.

Are you looking for a vegan recipe? Check out dailyvegan.de!

Daily Vegan’s recipe collection is constantly growing and so is this list from A-Z

As Daily Vegan continues to grow, this list is getting longer and longer. With Daily Vegan you have a very extensive, free, vegan recipe collection. Have fun browsing, marveling and cooking!

Vegan recipes from a professional kitchen

I (Sean Moxie) work as a head chef myself. And, as a freelancer I develope recipes for the food industry aas well as for restaurants. I also do consulting work in that field.

That’s why you can trust my vegan recipes on Daily Vegan 100%. I developed all recipes myself and of course I have tried them out. I have cooked my recipes several times at home at least before publishing them. But, I have often used them professionally on one or the other menu as well.

Since most of my guests at restaurants are not vegan, my recipes are also omnivore-tested. And even the biggest vegan skeptics are enthusiastic after eating my meals and they often are less averse to the vegan lifestyle.

Daily Vegan: one of the most extensive German vegan recipe collections

Addendum 2023: Since I have been vegan for over 20 years and also work professionally in the food industry, my range of vegan recipes is almost endless.
I have now published well over 800 delicious vegan recipes here on Daily Vegan (on the German version).

Whoever manages to cook all of these recipies will receive a medal from me!

A vegan, free recipe collection

I do Daily Vegan completely non-commercially in my spare time. Because I want more people to open up to vegan cuisine. Climate protection and animal protection are very important to me.

In order for more and more people to eat vegan (more and more often), they need delicious recipes. That’s why I started Daily Vegan in 2016. And I think I made quite a difference with that.

What this recipe collection is not intended for

My recipes are not intended for commercial purposes and of course they should not be copied by other bloggers or otherwise be published without my written consent.

Daily Vegan: vegan recipes from A-Z:

Are you looking for a vegan recipe? Check out Daily Vegan!

Here is the complete recipe collection, sorted alphabetically:

















Hat Dir dieses Rezept gefallen?

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Ich bitte Dich das aber nur zu tun, wenn Du selber so viel Geld hast, dass es auf Deinem Konto nicht auffällt. Wenn Du wenig Geld hast, möchte ich, dass Du Dir lieber selbst etwas gönnst.

The Daily Vegan recipe collection from A-Z
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The Daily Vegan recipe collection from A-Z
Daily Vegan’s free recipe collection from A-Z. Here you will find the complete overview of all recipes published so far by Daily Vegan, a.k.a. Sean Moxie.
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